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Write for FreeFluteClassifieds.com

Write for Us

FreeFluteClassifieds.com is looking for Authors, Writers and Bloggers who are interested in being a Guest Blogger for FreeFluteClassifieds.com and desire to share their knowledge and ideas with our visitors. At the moment we are in need of writers that know the many aspects of the flute industry (training, auditions, schools, interviews, building a name and recognition etc.) and original reviews.

Writing for FreeFluteClassifieds.com can be a fulfilling experience. You will have the opportunity to share your knowledge, display your skills and expertise to a global audience of the music enthusiast and engage with the readers in a collaborative spirit.

If this Sounds interesting? Then, by all means, contact us through our “Contact” web page with any ideas you may have floating around in your fertile mind. Please review the Writing Guidelines below and if you have any questions please include them in your message.

The objective of the blog for FreeFluteClassifieds.com is to produce original, relevant text of the highest quality written by the best talent from around the world. If you think you have what it takes, we’d love to hear from you.

FreeFluteClassifieds.com Website Team

Why you should write for FreeFluteClassifieds.com?

FreeFluteClassifieds.com was established in 2006 and has a strong visitor base. During the Spring of 2011 the site was redesigned with a new emphasis on ease of use for the person placing a classified ad or the visitor looking to make a purchase. Also, we decided to add a blog section because visitors to our previous website had told us they would appreciate information geared for the flute community, such as, buying used flutes, what is expected at an audition, how to market my talent, etc. We thought that was a good comment and incorporated a Blog into our design. All of these improvements will increase traffic to FreeFluteClassifieds.com which will help to insure your article is seen and read.

As a guest blogger you will benefit with backlinks, exposure and additional traffic to your website and:

  • Biography: You will have a short author’s biography at the end of your article to introduce yourself to the FreeFluteClassifieds.com community.
  • Links: Within the author’s biography we will permit you to have two links to; your website, your Facebook, twitter or other social accounts.
  • Visitors: Your article will be open to all FreeFluteClassifieds.com visitors and through all the social media sites we are currently on.
  • Homepage: Your article will be displayed for days on the homepage display box for recent posts.
  • Optimized: Your article will be strategically optimized for search engine indexing. This is done to bring more visitors to your article and ultimately more visitors to your website.

Truly five great reasons to write for FreeFluteClassifieds.com.

Guidelines for Guest Bloggers:

Guest Bloggers should follow these guidelines carefully. If anyone is found violating any of these guidelines they will be immediately banned without warning or notice.

  • Credit: If the idea for your article is derivative of someone else’s work, then please give them credit. Also, if you are using images in your article then please first obtain proper approvals and releases and provide a credit line.
  • Screenshots and/or Videos: Images add interest, catch the eye and can quickly summarize an articles, and it is true that “a picture is worth a thousands words”. When preparing an article please add relevant images to make your article more visually appealing.
  • No Affiliate links: Please do not add affiliate links.
  • Self promotion: We will provide an author’s biography with links below your article. So please don’t add anything additional for self promotion or trying to promote services you have an interest in.
  • Copyright: Original work, whether its writing or music, is highly admired and respected at FreeFluteClassifieds.com. If we discover that your article has been copied from someone else’s original work you will banned from FreeFluteClassifieds.com, any previous articles will be removed and your account will be deleted from FreeFluteClassifieds.com. The copyright and all rights are reserved for your original work and remains in your control and FreeFluteClassifieds.com has no claim on your article.
  • Comments: Comments on articles from visitors to FreeFluteClassifieds.com are encouraged, as well as, the ongoing conversations when your article is published. Please try to answer any queries readers may have through comments. This will provide you with more exposure and also help our blog readers.
  • Number of Words: Your article should contain a minimum of 500 words.

If you have any questions regarding Guest Blogging at FreeFluteClassifieds, Please contact us by using the “Contact” page.

How to Submit Your Article:

We’ve made it easy:

  • Register yourself on the FreeFluteClassifieds.com website as a “Subscriber”. Please be sure to fill in all the information requested.
  • Next go to the “Contact” page, fill out the form and in the message area explain that you would like to be a guest blogger and provide your registration username. In addition, in the message area please provide some background information or links to recent articles you have written. If you’ve never been published online, we’re still interested, just supply a short sample of your writing. Also, if you have some article ideas you would like to pitch, please add those and when you are finished click “Send”.
  • Once we receive your email we will change your user role from “Subscriber” to “Contributor” and you will have access to FreeFluteClassifieds.com’s WordPress Dashboard.
  • To begin writing, login with your Username and Password and go to Posts and click “Add New Post”. Write your article and do all the basic things like adding tags and assigning categories. Then, click “Submit for Review” button.

That’s all. Now, if your article meets all the Guidelines listed above then it will be posted.

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